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Hair loss superstitions: true or false?

Q.Baldness is genetic


Unfortunately, baldness is inherited. The genes implicated have been partially identified, with about three discovered today. While it remains unclear as to what combination of genes from the mother’s and father’s side are implicated in causing baldness, 80% are believed to come from the mother.

Q.Having the same hairstyle is bad for the hair


This is partially true. Women who perpetually wear their hair in a ponytail can risk hair loss. Constantly tying the hair up causes it to be pulled back and recede from the hairline. The same is true of men parting their hair. Over time, the weight of the hair falling in one direction damages the scalp at the hairline, increasing the risk of balding. However, the risk is not so great as to warrant changing one’s hairstyle. The important thing is pursuing treatment.

Q.Alcohol affects hair loss


Moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages will not affect hair loss. However, excess consumption can. Furthermore, while alcohol itself may not pose a problem, skipping bathing before bed, damaging the body through hangovers, and other indirect side effects can of course have an impact.

Q.Smoking affects hair loss


Smoking does indeed affect hair loss. Nicotine contracts the capillaries, which leads to hair loss. Moderate drinking is not a problem, but excess drinking is not good for the hair.

Q.Gray hairs should be pulled out


Even if gray, hair should remain on the head. Repeatedly pulling it out runs the risk of it not growing in anymore.

Q.Pulling out gray hair leads to more gray hair


Pulling out gray hair will reduce the number of hairs pulled out, but this does not in itself cause a greater number to grow. Gray hair is caused when the hair matrix melanocyte declines in functionality or is lost, leading to hair that does not contain melanin. Melanocyte stem cells decline with age, causing more gray hair. Each hair follicle contains a melanocyte. Therefore, pulling out a gray hair will not affect the hair matrix melanocytes in hair around it.

Q.People with gray hair will not go bald


Gray hair does not make it unsusceptible to the effects of male hormone; the same risk for hair thinning exists as would with colored hair. What causes this misconception is that men with thick heads of hair in late age have white hair, so they simply stand out.

Q.Top athletes tend not to go bald

A.neither true nor false

People with strong male hormones have better developed muscles and bones, which leads to many of them becoming top athletes. There are some hypotheses that, at the same time, this leads to more secretion of DHT, the “bad hormone,” but there is no blanket statement that can be said about athletes.

Q.Dieting leads to hair loss


An abnormal dieting regimen is of course harmful to health. Provided the diet is moderate, it will not affect hair growth.

Q.Nutritional drinks and carbonated beverages lead to hair loss


Simply drinking these beverages will not affect the hair.

Q.Eating a diet rich in seaweed like konbu and hijiki makes the hair thicker


This is merely a superstition with no medical basis whatsoever. This superstition seems to have come from the fact that these seaweeds have a long and thin appearance and come in dark green, brown, and black, which resembles hair. Note that these seaweeds are healthy to eat, though, which is encouraged.

Q.Men with thick hair will not go bald

A.this is not necessarily the case

The cause of AGA is dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is converted from testosterone, the male hormone. DHT comes in types I and II. Type I makes the body hair thicker, while type II makes hair on the head thinner. When the effects of testosterone are strong, both types of DHT are strongly activated. Because increased DHT causes thicker body hair and less head hair, the accepted explanation is that DHT is implicated in hair loss. Note that the above does not necessarily apply to all people, however.

Q.Excess dyeing and perming of the hair is bad for it


Overdoing the above can lead to hair loss. Allow at least one month between perming or dyeing the hair. Repeatedly performing the above in a short time can lead to acute alopecia. Even performing the above once a month over a sustained period of time is considered to be more closely implicated with hair loss than not dyeing or perming the hair at all.

Q.Striking the scalp with a brush is bad for the scalp


While this appeared in a commercial back in the day and became a trend, it is not good for the scalp. It not only damages the scalp, but the damage can cause scarring alopecia, where hair does not grow in that place anymore. While people believe they are improving the blood flow by striking the scalp, doing so will not increase hair growth and only adds to the risks.

Q.Tangerine peels are good for the hair


Tangerine peels contain d-limonene, an essential oil. It is used in household cleansers and can break down grease and oil. While it has a strong cleansing property and can remove oil, it has no hair growth function.

Q.Excess sebum inhibits hair growth


Our doctors always perform blood tests and blood pressure exams on your first consultation. If there is no issue, you start a course of treatment that revolves around oral medication. After that time, you visit the clinic once a month to check your hair growth and look for any abnormalities, with treatment being adjusted accordingly.
